The insight Workbook is an essential accompaniment to the Student’s Book, providing further practice for your students, plus an abundance of extra resources including Literature insight, Pronunciation insight and Exam insight sections.The Workbook supports the lessons in the Student’s Book with extra exercises for every lesson, a unit-by-unit wordlist with dictionary-style definitions, and a grammar reference and practice section which is linked to the grammar lessons in the Student’s book.The Workbook also contains optional extra lessons and activities in the form of the Literature insight bank which will introduce your students to classic pieces of English Literature.the Workbook also contains a twenty page grammar and reference section that contains comprehensive grammar explanations and further practice. Workbooks include two five-page Literature insight lessons for each level offering ready-made extra lessons which introduce students to classic pieces of English literature and encourage reading for pleasureFive three-page Exam insight sections in the Workbook prepare students for common exam tasks, practicing the use of English, reading, listening, speaking and writing.Exam strategies in the Workbook show students how to deal with typical exam tasks such as multiple choice, true/false, matching headings to paragraphs etcExtra support and practice of the grammar from the Student’s Book in the Grammar reference section which contains comprehensive explanations of key grammar points.
Oxford website for more info