SHOW & TELL 2E 2 TG W/CPT & TRC PK – 9780194054652

SHOW & TELL 2E 2 TG W/CPT & TRC PK – 9780194054652

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Categories: , Product ID: 3699


Classroom Presentation Tool (CPT) delivers heads-up lessons. Class audio, video and answer keys, as well as your teaching notes, are available online or offline, and updated across your devices. Includes on-screen Show and Tell Student Book, audio, animations and more!
NEW Teacher Resource Center provides access to a variety of Show and Tell downloadable and editable classroom materials all in one place, as well as Teaching Strategies for videos linked to the Teacher’s Guide that give a pratical guide for different elements of the course.
Teacher Resource Centre includes NEW Parent Guides and Parent Letters deliver helpful tips and advice to parents. Teacher’s Guide includes a summary of the course concept, detailed scope and sequence, breakdown of methodology, unit walk throughs, teaching tips and classroom routines section. Full teaching notes are supplied for all lessons, including notes on using the Literacy and Numeracy Books. Whole child Kintergarten curriculum is clearly referecned throughout.
Each lesson contains clear references to Critical Thinking tasks and areas of Learning Development and gives teachers approaches to differentiated learning.